Parent Resources
We at Cheyenne believe it takes a village to raise and educate a child. This page is designed to help perhaps the most crucial member in that village, the parent. Parents are the first educators of all children, and we want to help you help your child. In doing so, the Clark County School District provides various tools and resources to assist you and your child.
Parents may use the following tools to monitor the progress of their child effectively:
Infinite Campus
To help you more effectively monitor your child's progress, the Clark County School District provides a web-based system. This system will provide detailed, real-time information, including Calendar, Schedules, Attendance, Grades, Health (Immunizations Only), Assignments, Academic Planner, Academic Progress, Fees/Payments, To-Do Lists, Reports, District/School Notices, Cafeteria Balance, School Meals Application. Visit Campus Parent/Student.
Canvas LMS
Canvas is the online classroom available for any Clark County School District courses. Parents can create an observer account, so they can view their student's course content, progress, and grades. To find out how to create an observer account use the following link:

FACES ELL Guide to Helping - Spanish
3918_21 - FACES ELL Guide to Helping Brochure _Spanish_.pdf 626.58 KB (Last Modified on June 16, 2022)